The highbanker is often referred to as a “power sluice”.
The hopper has a dual spray manifold with the proper number and size of spray holes to match the performance of the sluice box. Comes with a removeable grizzly that mounts at the proper angle to work with the triple classification for unequalled gold recovery.
The construction of this unit is different as well. The unique “delta box” sluice box is extremely strong and comes with Nomad matting, also known as Miners Moss. The hopper is at the correct location for high-banking and to ease transport, legs are solidly bolted to the bottom of the sluice box, adding rigidity to the entire unit, making for a more stable platform. Proline feature heliarc welded construction, zinc plating for corrosion resistance, grade 8 hardware, and top-quality fittings.
Very easy to operate, simply feed bank-run material into the hopper. The washing action will do its job by dissolved all the gold-bearing clays and completely washed off all rocks. This is quicker, and certainly more efficient, than pre classifying the material in order to process it thoroughly.
You will receive;
1- Header box with riffles and matting
1 - Rock grizzly
4 - Adjustable legs
1 - Cover plate
Does not include hose or pump
Sluice box : 7" wide 24" long
Hopper is - 13" wide 9" long and 5" deep - to grizzly
Overall - 13" wide, 27" long and 12" deep
Weight 14 lbs
Shipping is free - included in the price.